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Economic inactivity: Thinking through local responses – 26th February 2025

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09:15 – 10:00 Wednesday 26th February

More people in work, and higher productivity from those workers, will – all else equal – increase local economic growth.  This matters to places—not only in terms of incomes, but also for residents’ health and wellbeing. However, many of the policy levers around economic inactivity have sat at the national level.

What is the role of local authorities and combined authorities around economic inactivity? What should be included in new local work, health and skills plans? And what does the evidence say?

Join us to hear from Naomi Clayton, Director of Policy and Research at the Learning and Work Institute and our Deputy Director, Victoria Sutherland, after which we’ll have an opportunity to ask questions.

These short 45-minute sessions introduce the evidence on local growth policy and highlight the key issues to consider. These sessions are aimed at policymakers who want to make good use of evidence but are pressed for time.