Our evidence topic pages bring together all our evidence resources on one page, for eleven important policy topics.
Our evidence topics:
- Access to finance
- Apprenticeships
- Area based initiatives
- Broadband
- Business advice
- Employment training
- Estate renewal
- Innovation
- Sport and culture
- Transport
Each page includes a range of resources designed to help with policy development.
Evidence reviews summarise what the evidence says about the impact of different policies and activities on local economic growth. For example, our review of rail investment examines the impact of new stations and other investments on local property prices, employment, and business outcomes.
Toolkits present evidence-based lessons for decision makers on practical questions, such as whether financial incentives can increase take up of employment training, or whether accelerators and incubators improve business performance.
We have also published a rapid evidence review that looks at whether the studies in our evidence reviews and toolkits report different effects for individuals from minority ethnic and immigrant groups.