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Effective devolution: lessons learned over ten years

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09:15 – 10:00 Wednesday 5th February

With an increased focus on devolved local growth powers, how can we improve the effectiveness of local growth policies? What roles do data, analysis, and evaluation play? And why haven’t we seen more robust evaluations of local growth policies to date?

With great power comes great responsibility, and Mayoral Combined Authorities can develop and test effective policies within new integrated settlements. What are the limitations and opportunities for improved use of data and evidence and more robust impact evaluation of local growth policies? What lessons have we learned from ten years of working with partners to evaluate ‘what works’?

Join us to hear from Prof Henry Overman, Director, and Victoria Sutherland, Deputy Director, Evidence, after which we’ll have an opportunity to ask questions.

These short 45-minute sessions introduce the evidence on local growth policy and highlight the key issues to consider. These sessions are aimed at policymakers who want to make good use of evidence but are pressed for time.