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Local Industrial Strategies: ​what works for generating better jobs and greater earning power?

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As LEPs and local authorities continue to think through and develop their Local Industrial Strategies, we worked with the Cities and Local Growth Unit to build on our series of events last year by hosting four new workshops setting out local approaches to the National Industrial Strategy’s foundations of productivity.

The first event, held in Bristol on 1 March 2019, explored what the evidence shows is effective in improving the skills outcomes for people in local areas. It then discussed how the objectives and design of a Local Industrial Strategy can most effectively support people to upskill and access job opportunities, and benefit the wider local economy.

The workshop built on our programme of work on Local Industrial Strategies, and our 10 principles for their design. It also provided an opportunity for any local area interested in improving residents’ skills to understand what works better for improving skills outcomes, and hear tips on how to evaluate the impact of a skills policy.