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Event series summary: economic recovery from Covid-19

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Between April and November 2021, we ran a series of online events for local and combined authorities and LEPs. The events were designed to help places understand and address some of the key issues they faced as they managed their economic recovery from Covid-19. Commissioned by the Government’s Cities and Local Growth Unit, the events brought together experts on a range of topics with representatives from LAs, CAs, LEPs and other local organisations.

You can find videos for the events and links to helpful resources below.

Green investment

22 April 2021

Resource: Local green investments

High streets

22 April 2021

Resource: Improving high streets and town centres

Youth unemployment and scarring

24 June 2021

Resource: Local responses to youth unemployment and scarring

Future of working from home

23 September 2021

Monitoring and evaluation during the recovery

14 October 2021

Resource: Recovery from Covid-19 at the local level: Using data to inform decision-making

Business support during the recovery

18 November 2021

Resource: Business Advice Toolkits