Nicolas is a Research Economist at the What Works Centre for Local Economic Growth, where he provides advice on impact evaluation to different government layers, and other institutions, helps developing toolkit, briefings, and other evidence-based documents, and performs impact evaluations.
Nicolas´s main research interests lie in the field of urban economics, and more specifically, the study of endogenous amenities, neighborhood residential choices, and gentrification; and the evaluation of urban and regional policies, such as urban renewal programmes, and place-based policies. He holds a master degree in economics and finance from CEMFI, and a PhD in Economics from the University of Barcelona.
In the past, he worked as Research Officer at the Ministry of Social Development of Uruguay, and he also worked as a consultant for the World Bank on developing guidelines for the evaluation of urban revitalization programmes in Latin American and Caribbean countries. He also holds research experience from working on the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE project), and on the Centre for Applied Research in Economics at Universidad de Montevideo.
Nicolas is also a research affiliate at the Barcelona Institute of Economics (IEB).