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Transport evaluation proforma

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This proforma is intended to help policymakers assess the feasibility of undertaking an impact evaluation of transport policies, programmes and projects.

Part 1: About your intervention

Good evaluations start with a good understanding of your policy, programme, or project. Part 1 of the proforma allows you to capture key information about your intervention.  

This should be information you already have. It may feel repetitive to fill this into the proforma but remember that colleagues in your monitoring and evaluation team or consultants you work with might not know much about the intervention.

Impact evaluation uses specific terminology so completing this section will help you understand how these terms align with your intervention.

Part 2: Assessing which impact evaluation approaches are feasible

Impact evaluation establishes that the outcomes observed are due to the intervention by using a counterfactual – a comparison group that is similar to the treated group but didn’t receive treatment. Different approaches are available to create the counterfactual. Part 2 of the proforma will help you establish what approaches might be feasible for your intervention.

Running through all questions in this section will ensure you consider all evaluation options that might be feasible. The questions are organised so that more robust methods appear first. If more than one option is feasible, consider adopting the most robust method. More information on methods is available from our guide to scoring.

Part 3: Data availability

Evaluations rely on data. Data is needed on outcomes for both the treated and comparison groups, for before and after treatment. Data is also needed on the characteristics of the treated and comparison group. Part 3 of the proforma should help you think through what data is available.

Part 4: Other evidence

Impact evaluation establishes whether an intervention leads to an outcome or which intervention or design feature is most effective at achieving an outcome. You might also have other research or evaluation questions that you would like to answer. Part 4 of the proforma outlines the options.


Transport evaluation proforma