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Why attend our logic models workshop?

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There’s increasing recognition of the need for good quality logic models to underpin funding bids and help with the development of successful local programmes. For anyone working in local economic growth in local authorities, combined authorities or LEPs, and wanting to develop better logic models, our new workshop is here to help.

This workshop aims to increase confidence in creating and using a logic model for a real-life project, and identifying the issues that may arise. Attendees are supported to think more systematically about projects and identify where activities and inputs may and may not lead to outcomes. The workshop provides a range of resources that can be taken back to teams for day-to-day project design and delivery.

We’ve held three sessions so far, and the feedback has been positive:

Very useful session – questions on logic model have started to appear often in funding applications, but never had a clear understanding of the steps to take in building one!

Really helpful to work through applying this to a real life example – often training doesn’t help with the real life application!

Really helpful to talk to other people who are working on similar projects. We will be applying this training to our UKSPF tasks.

Great session and something I will definitely take back to the team.

Found this session very helpful, especially the resources (questions and sense checking).

Thinking about attending? Here is more information about what we cover in the training.

What’s a logic model?

A logic model is a way of thinking about policy interventions. It helps designers of policies and projects focus on need and what it will look like when that need is addressed (the outcomes and long-term impacts). It also prompts people to consider each step along the way (the inputs, activities, and outputs) and make sure that the links between the steps make sense. Logic models encourage people to check what the evidence says about whether an activity led to the intended outcomes. It’s a useful process to set out how you expect your programme or intervention to work.

Why use a logic model?

Policymakers can use logic models at every stage of project development and implementation. In particular, logic models can be used to:

  • Increase the likelihood that a policy or programme is effective
  • Summarise the strategic fit of a project
  • Help understand the policy in a systematic way
  • Help think about the theory of change that underpins the intervention and whether it fits with the evidence we have about what works
  • Help frame the narrative of a project (how to talk and write about a project)
  • Provide a framework for monitoring and evaluating a project
  • Give confidence to stakeholders and funders that the programme is well designed

Why attend our logic model workshop?

It’s free, involves a small time-commitment and, as attested to by the quotes above, it offers practical help!

Attendees of our training plan use logic models to prioritise tasks, write business cases, support funding bids, and develop their UKSPF projects and investment plans. They also plan to use the training to review and update existing logic models for approved projects, ensuring the right inputs, outputs and outcomes are being measured. Many also plan to incorporate it into their strategy development and use them for project presentations to aid team collaboration and understanding.

If you are a local economic growth policymaker interested in learning more about logic models and how to effectively use them, we’d encourage you to sign up along with colleagues for our next ‘Making use of logic models: practical training for local economic growth’ workshop on Monday 22 August.